Another month, another newsletter, lovely readers! Progress moves forward on Colony, and we’re back to keep you up to date about all of it, so let’s tuck in!
State of the Game
As we discussed last month, we are working hard on the Creature Compendium, and we have recently gone through and selected what we believe will closely reflect our final count for our Wild Beasts categories.
It is especially of note that we meticulously sat down and examined a vast number of beetles for inclusion in the Creature Compendium, given that they make up a great majority of insect species across the planet just on their own. Beyond beetles, the Creature Compendium is filled to the brim with other Wild Beasts such as dragonflies, mosquitos, flies, fleas, fireflies, aphids, ticks, and so much more that we can’t wait to reveal.
We’re also working toward a limited playtest later in the year - keep an eye out for more information on that in the months to come. The card art for the playtest decks is being worked on by Matt during our art live streams on our YouTube channel, so please come in and hang out with us while we work on them, and feel free to ask questions about the world of Colony and about the game itself! Speaking of those live streams…
Live Streams
We’ve been lucky to be live every week this month, progressing toward our goals through the artistic medium. Go give them a watch and discover more of the world as we answer questions from our viewers and our community chat!
Song of Origins art by Charles (01/07/25):
Tera card art by Matt (01/13/25):
Song of Origins art by Charles (01/21/25): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TL2_3SqRqsE
Het card art by Matt (01/28/25):
The Song of Origins
As we are closing in on the final pieces needed for Part 1 of the Song of Origins, editing is finally underway, bringing us ever closer to a release. We look forward to showing you what we’ve been working on soon!
And that is all for this month, folks! Please stay safe out there in these crazy times, and we hope you can find peace and love somewhere in every day of your life.
Isaac Muir