Hello, everyone! It’s Muir and Nash here this month to talk about recent developments, both good and ill.
We hope you are all settling in for a lovely Labour Day Long Weekend! With the long weekend comes some unfortunate news regarding the project and our team's current situation.
As many of you know, we’ve been working tirelessly to bring the world of Aoiama to life and develop Colony, and your support has been invaluable. However, we are saddened to inform you that our project head and fearless leader, Muircat, has recently faced a series of unfortunate life events that have significantly impacted his mental health and ability to continue engaging with working on Colony positively.
As a result, Muir has decided to take a much-needed break to focus on his well-being. This is not a decision made lightly, but one that we fully support. While the goal has always been to bring Colony to life so we can all enjoy the playground that Muir has envisioned, the unfortunate reality is that life has to come first.
Please rest assured that while Muir takes this break, work on Colony will continue. The team remains committed to our goals, and we are determined to make progress on the game in Muir's absence. We ask for your understanding and continued support, and please know that any radio silence on our end is simply a result of focusing more than ever on achieving our near-term goals.
We will do our best to keep you informed and engaged with the project during this time. We thank you for your understanding and patience, and please join us all in wishing Muir well.
To help Muir with some of the costs he's incurred over the last few months, Bmepnt, one of our musicians and world-builders, has been kind enough to organize a GoFundMe campaign for him. If you're able to support the campaign and share among your friends, it would be much appreciated! Campaign can be found here: https://gofund.me/518fe01c
State of the Game
We’ve been making some great progress on the game over the course of the last month!
As with all card games, we have ours organized by various types and categories. There are three distinct categories that determine *who* is able to use what kinds of cards, and we have those generally categorized as Common Traits, Racial Traits, and Iconic Traits, distinguishing between actions everyone is able to perform, actions only a member of a general race can perform, and actions only members of a particular tribe are able to perform.
We are excited to announce that the Common Traits are all but completed as far as their mechanics go, and awaiting double-checks and refinements for finalization and preparation for play testing! In addition, the Racial Traits and especially Iconic Traits are not far behind in development.
Milestones and the Song of Origins
We’ve recently surpassed 1000 subscribers on our YouTube channel, and over 12,000 views on the Welcome To The World Of Colony video! We are so grateful for all of you who have recently found us and we hope we can continue to wow you moving forward. We’ve been working on getting new content ready for you all, including the long-format lore video for The Song of Origins.